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Peter Coyle - More pictures of summer...

Peter Coyle was the singer and co-writer of the 1983 hit for the Lotus Eaters, "The first picture of you". As far as things to get stuck with go, it's a pretty good one. Google away - they were great! - but keep your earloaders open too for Peter's new music. Encountering him first at a China Crisis gig some years ago, I was struck or perhaps, stroked, by his charm, sincerity and positivity - three qualities that make him eminently unsuitable for the music business you might think (shame on you, you curmudgeon!) but for the independent artist however, seeking more to connect than to shift units, such qualities are a great asset and are, quite frankly, to be cherished. He can be found at and all the usual places; Spotify, itunes, Soundcloud etc. Stylistically diverse, poetic and fiercely intelligent, Peter Coyle is a voice, if not unique, then all too rare in a cynical world. Love and Light (as Peter would say himself) - because that's what it's all about.

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